
past tense: awakened
  • rouse from sleep; cause to stop sleeping.
  • stop sleeping.
  • rouse (a feeling).
  • regain consciousness.
  • become aware of; come to a realization of.
  • make someone aware of (something) for the first time.

The Awakened Podcast

Welcome to the Awakened Podcast! The topics on this show range from spirituality & enlightenment, to paranormal and the unexplained, to hidden history and ancient civilizations, to natural sciences and philosophy, and all of the mysteries of this strange reality we live in.

Join me as I explore the strange and unusual in search for the ultimate truth of our existence. I'm bringing on guests from a wide range of backgrounds and disciplines to share their research and experiences to not only help light my path, but also to help light the paths of others.

"Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light." Ephesians 5:14

About Me

We are in the midst of a great awakening. The veil is thinning and more light is shining through and the evil of this world is being exposed. "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness..." Romans 1:18

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Odius Origins w/ Paul Stobbs

In this episode Im joined by Paul Stobbs. Paul is the author of the book The Nephilim Looked Liked Clowns and host/creator of the Understanding Conspiracy YouTube channel. We discussed his origin story, answering God’s calling, living...

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The Awakened Podcast Host

I consider myself an awakened soul guided by God to create positive change in the world through truth. Over the course of my life, God has put me in certain places to see and experience a variety of things so that I can share my testimony with others.

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